Who am I?

I live and work in London, one of the best places to discover and try out new food. I am passionate about, well, eating. And it has become my hobby to recreate dishes from high end restaurants and patisseries, or just anything that I feel like making at that moment.

I created this blog to share recipes I love and spent time perfecting, and practically I also use this as references as and when I need them. They can be my own creation or adapted from other chefs – most of the time with an original twist. You might not find them all easy, but if you put time into it, they will look and taste awesome.

Why Rusty?

Great food don’t have to be expensive – even dishes from high end restaurants and bakeries can be made from simple and basic ingredients. Rusty encapsule the notion of raw, rough and, in a way, natural. I did not intend for it to mean rustic but I do like to incorporate an earthy look to my dishes. It is a word with strong personality and I intend to show it here.

Oh – and when I have a husky (a.k.a. my life dream) – it will be called Rusty